Photographer Bonus Card

The Photographer Bonus Card from the Wingspan Core Set states that the following colors qualify:

  • Ash
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Bronze
  • Brown
  • Cerulean
  • Chestnut
  • Ferruginous
  • Gold
  • Gray
  • Green
  • Indigo
  • Lazuli
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Rose
  • Roseate
  • Ruby
  • Ruddy
  • Rufous
  • Snowy
  • Violet
  • White
  • Yellow

European Expansion Appendix

Page 2 of the European Expansion Appendix states that the following colors qualify for the Photographer Bonus Card:

  • Coal
  • Grey
  • Honey ****Note that Page 4 of the Oceania Expansion rule book has errata’ed honey not to qualify.****

Oceania Expansion Rule Book

Page 4 of the Oceania Expansion rule book states that the following colors qualify for the Photographer Bonus Card:

  • Crimson
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Rufous
  • Silver
  • Sulphur
  • Tawny

****Page 4 states that: “The European Expansion rulebook erroneously includes honey as a term for the Photographer bonus card. Honey does not count as a color word.”

Asia Expansion Rule Book

Page 2 of the Asia Expansion Appendix states that the following words qualify for the Photographer bonus card:

  • Ash
  • Azure
  • Bay
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Bronze
  • Brown
  • Cerulean
  • Chestnut
  • Coal
  • Crimson
  • Emerald
  • Ferruginous
  • Fire
  • Gold
  • Gray
  • Green
  • Indigo
  • Lazuli
  • Olive
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Plumbeous
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Rose
  • Ruby
  • Ruddy
  • Rufous
  • Silver
  • Snow
  • Sulphur
  • Tawny
  • Teal
  • Verditer
  • Violet
  • White
  • Yellow

****Coppersmith Barbet does not qualify.

****Different versions of these words all count. Examples include Rose/Rosy/Roseate, Snow/Snowy.


  1. Nick

    How does the rainbow lorikeet not count?

  2. Caroline Kinney

    If snow and snowy are colors and rose is a color, then is rosy a color? It’s not addressed in any of these lists.

  3. Jonathon Bonis

    Does words that have a color built into it count as a name with a color?
    Example: would “reduce” count as a color because it contains “red”.
    Example: would “redstart” count because it contains “red”.

    • Hello Jonathon,

      Examples like “reduce” do not count. The “red” in Redstart is referring to the color red. The “red” in Reduce does not refer to the color red.

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