Finspan Fish Card Tier List – Version 1.0

This is our Finspan Fish Card Tier List.

FINSEARCH is a great companion page to go with this list, as it will give you all of the card details.

God Tier
Tier 0
Tier 1
Tier 2
NoneBlue LanternfishAngelsharkAbyssal HalosaurAbyssal Anglerfish
MandarinfishAtlantic MackerelAbyssal SpiderfishAngler
Orange RoughyAtlantic SailfishArabian CarpetsharkAtlantic Bluefin Tuna
Smoothcheek LanternfishBarramundiAtlantic BonitoAtlantic Salmon
Black SwallowerBigeye Smooth-HeadAtlantic Sturgeon
Blob SculpinBigeye TunaAtlantic Wolffish
Bluestreak Cleaner WrasseBinocular FishBanggai Cardinalfish
Cookiecutter SharkBlack HagfishBarreleye
Deepsea LizardfishBluntnose SixgillsharkBearded Seadevil
Elsman’s WhipnoseChola GuitarfishBlack Cardinalfish
Emperor Red SnapperClown AnemonefishBlue Tang
Faceless CuskCownose RayBluespine Unicornfish
Giant Manta RayCreole FishBonefish
Great White SharkCrocodilefishChinese Trumpetfish
Indo-Pacific SailfishEscolarCommon Fangtooth
Long-Snouted LancetfishEuropean AnchovyDiamond Stingray
Mediterranean DamselfishFalse CleanerfishEuropean Flounder
Pacific SardineFlabby WhalefishEuropean Sturgeon
Pennant CoralfishGiant Devil RayFalse Catshark
PorkfishGiant OarfishFootball Fish
Red LionfishGiant TrevallyGiant Hatchetfish
Rockmover WrasseGreenland SharkGiant Hawkfish
Sargassum FishJapanese AnchovyGreat Northern Tilefish
Scaleless Black DragonfishKalugaGrey Triggerfish
SwordfishKawakawaGrideye Fish
White SuckerfishLargetooth FlounderHaddock
White-Banded TriggerfishLongspine PorcupinefishHogfish
Mahi-MahiHoneycomb Scaly Dragonfish
Maltese RayHumpback Anglerfish
Ocean SunfishHumphead Wrasse
Pale ChimaeraLeafy Seadragon
ParaliparisLittle Skate
PilotfishLive Sharksucker
Red ScorpionfishLongfin Batfish
Sailfin Flying FishMariana Snailfish
Shortspine African AnglerMediterranean Parrotfish
Shortspine SpurdogMidwater Scorpionfish
Smooth Oreo DoryOceanic Puffer
Stripped MarlinPacific White Skate
Whale SharkPaintspotted Moray
Yellowtail SnapperPatagonian Toothfish
Pelican Eel
Pudgy Cusk-Eel
Pygmy Seahorse
Saddleback Butterflyfish
Skipjack Tuna
Sloan’s Viperfish
Snipe Eel
Speckled Butterflyfish
Spiny Seadevil
Spotted Parrotfish
Stoplight Loosejaw
Tropical Two-Wing Flying Fish
White-Spotted Puffer
Whitemargin Stargazer
Wolftrap Angler
Yellow Boxfish

Finspan Tier List Revision History

Check this space for future updates!

Tier List Definitions

God Tier: Traditionally, these cards can facilitate a runaway win on their own.

Tier 0: Could be considered “The Best of Tier 1” or “The Bottom of God Tier”. More effective, efficient, and/or game shaping than Tier 1 cards but not necessarily as impactful as God Tier fish.

Tier 1: Effective, efficient, and game shaping cards. These are among the best cards in the game and represent some of the best general qualities and/or powers. These will be the bread and butter of the best games.

Tier 2: Cards that have desirable general qualities and/or powers that can be useful in the right circumstances. These cards could be a key component of a combo or engine and might not otherwise be very effective on their own.

Underused Tier: These are cards that don’t see play at our table often due to “better” options being available most of the time. Being in this Tier doesn’t necessarily mean that a card is bad. It just means that they may consistently lose out in head-to-head decisions made between one card or another. These end up being prime Consume/Discard fodder.

General Finspan Gameplay Notes

  • Fish that cost eggs and/or young (points) feel undesirable.
  • Hatching and moving feel like inefficient actions. There are times where you need to perform them to fulfill a cost or stay busy when you otherwise can’t do anything.
  • Sharing eggs with other players results in net neutral points.
  • Giving cards to all players feels undesirable. Cards are the fuel that make Finspan go.
  • Playing a lot of fish seems to matter more than anything else.
  • Playing big point fish in the closing turns of the game may be optimal despite egg/young costs.
  • Egg spam is easily capped since each fish can only hold one egg.

Check Out These Links for More Information

Ranking Finspan’s Starter Cards

Finspan Board Game Review

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